Are you more interested in politics, current events, creativity and more? I have another homepage that is about all those things and more. You’re welcome to visit that too if you like.
by adminFor example: listening to music at concerts performed by really great artists that I might have to travel abroad to experience in real life. Another example: I can explore sceneries that are recreated historical settings. I can also explore the starship Enterprise or Voyager that someone has recreated down to the tiniest detail.
For example, I can build houses and other buildings, make clothes or simply mix and match a scenery from objects others have created.
Olive is me, but a more successful version of me. I can see through her eyes in a world that is more perfect than the real one, in many ways.
by adminHi,
I’m Misabel (Starr), Lila (Mill)’s/Olive (Tor)’s real life sister. We found this meme on Daniel Voyager’s blog and thought it would be fun to do it here.
Here are my answers (in blue) to the 15 questions:
Meme Instructions: Copy and paste the following questions and answers to your post, delete my answers and input your own. Don’t forget to leave a link to your post in the comments so others can come by and read your answers as well!
by adminAs a potential phone buyer, you’re never short of negative articles about the iPhone. Apple is a company that people in general love to hate. Even though I’m sure many of the articles are true, I’m just as sure that the articles could just as well have been about other phones. After all, most phones, regardless of brands, are made in the same factories.
And until now, you haven’t been able to buy a phone that doesn’t come with many negative issues regarding how it’s produced, the material used and how the workers are treated. No phone owner (until now) has had a completely clear conscience. It doesn’t matter if you’re using iOS or Android. The producers are using the same materials, the same suppliers and are treating their workers the same.
Since it hasn’t been possible to buy a fair phone, I’ve used iPhones (and a HTC) because it came down to two choices. Either living off grid with no phone or using “the best one” available. I have to admit, I love iPhones (and HTCs ). So until now, I’ve had a HTC Desire C and an iPhone 4s and I’ve been really happy with them. There’s just been one problem – a big one. I didn’t like how they were produced.
So my latest phone is a Fairphone, this wonderful little gadget that “has everything” you can wish for. The company is treating the workers better than any other phone company. The materials used for producing it are the best available for the environment. I’m starting to get used to the Android OS. It’s actually pretty cool. Of course I still miss my iPhone and the iOS. There are still things I can’t do with my Fairphone, but what I can do is pretty awesome. The best thing about it (apart from the obvious) is that because of the dual sim, I can actually manage with only one phone.
Many thanks to the Fairphone team for helping me keep my conscience clear and still get some of the “good stuff” in life.
by adminThis is where we all live
Missing opensim though and a few other essentials
Some time ago, when I was still unemployed, I tried to keep busy taking small assignments like creating websites. One time I got a bigger job to make some templates for an organization. Some of the templates were for Word. Being an Apple fangirl, I don’t care much for Microsoft. I love Pages and when I need a simple word processor I have a couple of free office suites I can use.
I wasn’t going to pay for the whole Office package so I downloaded the trial version. It was for 30 days and that would be enough for the job. I finished the job and got paid for it. A while after I started to get strange withdrawals from my PayPal account. The company that took my money was Microsoft. I tried to contact PayPal, but they just told me to contact Microsoft. It was out of their hands since I had “signed an agreement” with the company.
I didn’t have any contact information with this branch of Microsoft, since I had never signed anything. I had even stopped using the trial after I had finished the job. Still the withdrawals from my account continued. One day, a VAT invoice came in my mail. Not in my email inbox, but in paper form. The name of the one that had entered into the agreement with Microsoft was one of my Second Life avatars. This avatar, no matter how real I sometime feel that she is, is not a real person. Microsoft obviously thinks she is, but I’m sure no law would support that belief.
With that paper, scanned and emailed, to PayPal, I thought I would have a chance to stop the payments. They got back to me pretty fast. Their reply was strange. Although, they still claimed that everything was right and that we had an agreement, they would be kind enough to pay back the money that was withdrawn from my account. They did, not all, but some of it, so I stopped arguing with them.
I am just wondering what will happen next time my avatar wants to buy something, perhaps something even more expensive, will I be able to stop it? It’s obviously legal to enter inte agreements with digital personas without the owner’s knowledge about it. Or perhaps it’s just Microsoft that claims that right.
by adminSecond Life:
My name is Lila Mill. I’ve been around since 2006 when I entered the magical world of Second Life for the first time. A lot of things has changed since that first time I set foot there and met all those amazing people now long gone. Second Life has a way of wearing people out. Either you stick it out and let Second Life change you, mold you into something else or you just move on. I tried the molding part, but that didn’t work, so I moved on. SL still has a special place in my heart because of all the memories, but 2013 was the year when I finally realized that my SL doesn’t exist anymore. Sometimes I wonder if it ever did. That I was just moving through it in a dreamlike state, imagining it to be something it isn’t.
Second Life was built by it’s residents. Everyone helped building that first and biggest world. We learned that we owned what we built and that we could use the money within SL and outside it. SL wouldn’t be what it is today without its residents. Now the Lindens say we don’t own what we create. We just contribute with money and the things we’ve built are theirs to use as they please. These days all the contributors can do is work for the Lindens and pay them for working for them. In other words: The Lindens retain the ownership of the content providers’ creative work. I’ll say no more. Time to move on.
Sometimes a lot changes and sometimes it’s just the opposite. I moved to InWorldz a couple of years ago. A friend of mine, that I have known since that first time in 2006 in SL wanted out from SL. He had owned land there almost from the beginning and I’d been with him from that first time when he started to build there. When he moved to IW, I moved with him. He’d had parties on his land almost from the beginning, first pool parties and then Salsa parties. He continued with these parties, the Salsa ones, in IW. We are a group of people who have been meeting for years, every Sunday, at the same time, the garden looking the same, same avatars, everything is the same. It’s fun, but nothing really changes. Sometimes change is a good thing, but at other times stability feels safe. I know what I’ll be doing every Sunday, between 8 and 10 pm. I know who I will be talking to.
“Lila” has never been to Metropolis, but “Olive Tor” has. She’s been around since 2008, I think. She created her own world with the technology of the time. She looked just as basic as “Lila”did that time when I first entered SL. Ever since that day, there’s been an Olive Tor and she also joined Metropolis where she’s found a lot of new friends. They were just as amazing as those I met in SL all those years ago and because of that, it felt natural to join Metropolis where the cool kids live.
Olive is the builder in the family, she builds worlds and she creates outfits. This year she also created our home – Avatarland. She filled the world with fantastic things, built houses and buildings and decorated it with flowers and trees. This is a place for us to relax and to create. The first part of the year we were allowed to spend a lot of time there, but after the summer that RL alt started to make trouble. She demanded more and more time which was good of course, but our world suffered. Something is wrong with our home world and she didn’t have time to work with Olive to fix it.
Real Life:
Our RL alt Gabriella had been unemployed for years. Suddenly and out of the blue she got a job that consumed most of her time. She didn’t have time to play with us anymore. So much changed for her this year. She started this new job, she got her license and she even got her first car. Apart from that she started on a couple of projects that she has no idea if they will work out. One the projects is purely for her own sake in her RL, but the other will affect us all. If that part works out, we’ll have a new playground which we all look forward to.
My hopes and wishes for 2014
I wish that Gabriella’s both projects will work out and that she’ll have more time for us. She and Olive must fix the problems with Avatarland and hopefully we will all have more time to blog, to explore and to share our experiences on the Avatarland website.
We all wish you a Happy New 2014, and that this year will be the best ever. That’s what we hope for us and for all of you.
by adminAvatarland’s position on this is to not take sides. We won’t post arguments from either side, but this is how we feel about it:
We have nothing against child avatars, but we acknowledge the right a grid has to set their own TOS.
We don’t like how the admins of OsGrid are handling the situation, for instance banning accounts with no prior warnings and not allowing any discussions about their decisions. These are not signs of a healthy community. On the other hand, they are only hurting themselves and I really hope they’ll understand that before it’s too late.
Also: We don’t like how OsGrid are handling their official info. It’s not a good idea to use word of mouth.
After stating that, we don’t want to exclude anyone. If you are part of OsGrid, feel free to drop by. If you are part of another grid, please do the same.
We have removed our region Avatarland from OsGrid because of the word of mouth policy OsGrid has about official decisions. If you don’t know the rules how can you be sure that you aren’t breaking any? Our decision of removing our region was taken long before these recent events.
For the time being we are happy to host our own Hypergrid enabled world. We can go wherever we like in the Metaverse and the residents of other worlds can visit Avatarland. Since our world is still under construction we haven’t listed it yet, but it’s already open for visitors.
by admin